Posted onGasket in black NR rubber for spigot bends Ø 46 mm. Further articles available on our catalog.
Gasket in black NR rubber for spigot bends Ø 46 mm. Further articles available on our catalog.
Under toilet bowl gasket in black NR rubber. Further articles available on our catalog.
Patent eccentric W.C. etension in black NR rubber. Further articles available on our catalog.
Coupling adaptor in black NR rubber Ø 75 – 63. Further articles available on our catalog.
The latest new from Morganti is the production of packaging shaped sponges, made of expansed polyethilene. A very appreciated material […]
To find out the contents of the boxes please download our catalog.
To find out the contents of the boxes please <a href=”https://www.morgantiferruccio.com/catalogo/”><strong>download our catalog.</strong></a>
To find out the contents of the boxes please download our catalog.
To find out the contents of the boxes please download our catalog.
To find out the contents of the boxes please download our catalog.